Laser treatments for nail fungus have become fairly common since the procedure was approved by the Food and Drug Administration four years ago. Several kinds of laser therapies are now available, but there is limited evidence that the treatments work.

The appeal of lasers is that they selectively heat and destroy harmful fungi while sparing healthy surrounding tissue. And some small studies and lab tests suggest they can kill the fungi and cure the condition.

Millions of Americans experience fungal nail infection, otherwise known as onychomycosis, from time to time. Some of the symptoms include discoloration with a yellow, greenish appearance or yellow/white streaks, brittleness, change in nail shape, loss of luster and shine, thickening of the nail, loosening or lifting up of the nail, and the entrapment of debris.

The Challenge of Nail Fungus

Nail fungus is an embarrassing chronic condition that impacts a patient's quality of life and can lead to serious health problems for those with diabetes or immune disorders. The treatment of nail fungus is difficult because the infection is under and inside the nail, making it hard for other treatments to reach it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are fungal nail infections common?

Yes. By some estimates, as many as 36 million Americans have fingernails or toenails (usually toenails) that have become discolored and disfigured due to a fungal infection of one kind or another.

How much will the procedure cost?

For one foot/ hand, treatment will cost $150.00 for 3 sessions. For both feet/hands, treatment will cost $250.00 for 3 sessions. For more pricing information, be sure to contact our office.

How can I tell if I have one of these infections?

A nail that is discolored is an early sign. But you can't know for sure until you see a doctor and have a sample of your nail examined in a laboratory. Nails can become thick and discolored for reasons other than a fungal infection.

How long does the procedure take?

The procedure takes about 30 minutes for all ten toes.

Does the procedure hurt?

You may feel a slight warming sensation during the procedure but it is virtually painless.

How many procedures will I need?

Many people will see results in just one session, but more may be needed if the fungus is bad or if your toes become reinfected.

Rid Yourself Of Nail Fungus With Sun City Laser!

Nail fungus affects many of us, keeping us from feeling fully comfortable with our hands and feet. With our nail fungus removal technology, you can finally rid yourself of nail fungus and express your true style.

Ready to get rid of your nail fungus? Give us a call or fill out our contact form to schedule your consultation today!