As we age, the skin and muscles around our eyes can look droopy and less defined. This can lead to a tired, melancholy look that may not reflect how we truly feel. While traditional eye lifts use surgery, Sun City Laser offers non-surgical laser eye lifts.

Laser eye lifts are a convenient and safe alternative to blepharoplasty and can provide appreciable results in just a few sessions. We've helped countless customers improve the look of their eyes with the convenience of laser technology.

Reach out online or by calling 915-849-9018 if you'd like to experience the laser eye lift for yourself, contact our medical spa in El Paso today to have your consultation scheduled!

CO2 Laser The Madonna Eye Lift

During a Madonna Eye Lift, the fractional laser beam is broken into microscopic columns of light. When these beams strike the surface of your skin, they remove old, damaged elastic fibers and collagen so fresh new tissue can grow into these channels. Since only a "fraction" of your skin is affected, healing is quick and virtually painless.

Wrinkles and pigmentation are eliminated during a Madonna Eye Lift, and the skin is tightened. A study of over 300 patients showed consistent, satisfying results from the fractional eyelift - including reduced dark circles, elimination of eye wrinkles, and tightening of eyelid skin.

A Madonna Eye Lift has many of the same benefits of a surgical eyelift, without the risks and downtime. Best of all, because it stimulates new collagen production, results are expected to last for several years. However, since the technology is so recent, it is difficult to say for sure how long results might last.

Candidates for the Madonna Eye Lift

If you have any of the following cosmetic problems, a Madonna Eye Lift may be right for you:

  • Wrinkles around the eyes
  • Loose eyelid skin
  • Dark circles
  • Drooping eyebrows

The fractional laser works very well on darker skin in most cases. However, to be safe, we will perform a test spot on the eyelid area to ensure there is no change in pigmentation. The only issue that a Madonna Eye Lift cannot address is bulging fat pads in the eye area. In order to be a good Madonna Eye Lift candidate, you should also have realistic expectations about the procedure. On average, most people need between 3-5 sessions in order to achieve the best results. The procedure time is typically between 45 to 60 minutes on average.


Our team offers personalized packages just for you so that you can receive the perfect CO2 laser treatment for a Madonna Eye Lift. Speak with one of our members online or call 915-849-9018 to get started.

Let Sun City Laser Help With Your Eye Lift!

The Madonna Eye Lift is a revolutionary alternative to the traditional eye lift. Sun City Laser offers a quick, reliable solution to help you find your perfect look.

Contact our El Paso medical spa today online or call 915-849-9018 to schedule your free eye lift consultation!